X-Chain Odyssey

X Chain’s first inscriptions $MBSC(BSC20) were fully minted!

The next listing is X Coin
$XC (BEP20) on PancakeSwap🥞Get ready guys!

⏰Set your alarm:12/18, 2023, 2 PM UTC

X Chain will keep building in
#Inscriptions ecosystem, stay tuned for the release of #XChain dApp featuring fundamental infrastructure layer with #bridging, #gaming and #lending functions!🚀

BoostyourOdyssey airdrops through BNB/USDT/USDC: xchain.global/earn

Chinese version of X Chain Inscriptions Auto Mint Tool is updated!
Check it out at http://xchain.global/mint
請造訪 http://xchain.global/mint 查看

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